Our 60th anniversary “Bash” was a fun-filled fundraiser, featuring food and drinks, a silent auction, a raffle of student-created artworks and jewelry, and a performance by Ace Harmony, the Lower Merion High School A Cappella group. There was also a “Feed the Fund” appeal during which attendees pledged additional donations. 

A special scholarship was established to honor and surprise Becky Bowlby, who served as Lower Merion High School’s college access counselor for many years, as well as serving on the Fund’s Board. LMTSF Board member Lisa Fair, a Lower Merion graduate who went on serve on the Lower Merion Board of School Directors for many years, shared her personal reflections on how her LMTSF scholarship assisted her in achieving her college dreams.
We are grateful to everyone that attended and supported the Fund on the 23rd and for the past 60 years!