LMTSF transforms lives by helping make higher education attainable for Lower Merion School District high school graduates with true financial need, so that they may pursue their goals for the enrichment of themselves, our community, and our broader society.

The Lower Merion Township Scholarship Fund (LMTSF) was created in 1964 by a group of community leaders, with the support of our district’s school board. These citizens recognized that the means and circumstances of Lower Merion residents vary widely, and that access to higher education is vital to sustaining and growing the community. With this in mind they had a vision: To help make post-secondary studies affordable for Lower Merion and Harriton High School graduates having a true financial need.
In our first year, eleven students were awarded LMTSF scholarships. Since then, the number of scholarships has grown to as many as 140 in a given year thanks to the continued generosity of our donors. Each year the need for support becomes even greater as tuition and related expenses continue to rise. Fundraising is an ongoing community effort.

LMTSF awards scholarships based solely on financial need. To be eligible, a student must have graduated from Harriton High School or Lower Merion High School; must have resided in the Township and attended a Lower Merion School District high school for at least four years; and must be attending an accredited college, university, or trade or vocational school on a full-time basis. Applications are accepted between November and February.
Board of Governors
Beth Altman
Sarah Altman, Chair
Saul Behar
Diane DiBonaventuro
Jared Epler
Nancy Einstein, Secretary
Norman Esibill
Caryn Karmatz Rudy
Lucy Klain
Rich Marta
Pamela Mebane
Katie McGlade
Korey Bell
Lisa Fair
Stanton Remer, Treasurer
Lou Savastani, Vice Chair
Shari Bickel
Becky Bowlby
Jill Braid
Michael Epstein
Arlene Flicker
Henry A. Gladstone, Esq.
Jay Goldberg
Juli Gruber-May
Sherry Haines
Sally Henn
Marvin Levitties
Joan Lipman
L. Martin Miller
Paul Petrillo
Gail Singer
Rachel Somers
Jackye Smith
Judy Vietri